In-kind Definition: Services, material, equipment or labor committed or received at a conservative value that would otherwise be paid from the project budget. Both the donor and the service received should be identified.

In other words, in-kind contributions are goods (wholesale value) or services provided instead of cash for one of your project budget line-items.

Both the revenue and the expense projections should reflect the in-kind contribution. Examples include:

  • Professional services (legal, architectural, engineering, accounting, medical) at a customary hourly rate for your area.
  • Other services (printing, site preparation, fabricating, sub-contractors, publicity) at customary rate for time and materials.
  • Costs for use of machinery (heavy equipment) at customary hourly rate.
  • Volunteer time actually involved in project implementation.
  • Supplies or materials donated by a business or an individual either directly or indirectly.
  • Hours spent in the actual project (for instance, volunteers constructing a stage set), does count as in-kind. Non-skilled volunteer labor such as this would be calculated at the Oregon minimum wage.
  • Labor donated for fundraising activities does not count towards in-kind.